Before You Meet the Authors in WHO'S HIDING IN THIS BOOK, Meet Me!

I teach Humanities at Boston University and I’m a mom of two young children. I’m currently teaching a course on Children’s Literature and developing a Boston-New England themed literature course for the spring semester. I try to teach works by well-known authors as well as diverse new ones!

I studied English at Smith, Oxford, Columbia, and Boston University, but I’ve loved classic literature long before I became a student and teacher. I used to beg my parents to take me to the library or bookstore! I became excited about the idea of sharing my love of great literature with young children after spending hours reading to my sons. I saw how open they were to anything read to them by an adult they loved. Why not introduce them to famous authors? At the heart of my children’s book is the message that anyone can become a great author—and it’s never too early or too late to start!

When I’m not writing, I love reading all kinds of picture books to my children, riding the tractor with them at the local farm, and visiting Cape Cod.
